Stonito Lotto
User guide

History Draws

The creation and maintaining of a substantial list of previous draws is an essential part of Stonito Lotto, as this list is crucial for good prediction.
History Draws

Add To Top


1. Add To Top 
Add one or more round to the top of the list. Orientation to the future is set to the dialog for entering new rounds.This means that every successive round entered will be placed on the top of the list

Add To Bottom


2. Add To Bottom 
Add one or more round to the end of the list. Orientation to the past is set to the dialog for entering new rounds. This means that every successive round entered will be placed on the end of the list.

Insert Round

3. Insert Round
Inserts new draw in place of selected draw, date restrictions apply so new draw will have to fit between two adjacent draws. Also, renumbering happens automatically so newly inserted draw fits well with other existing draws.

Edit Draw

4. Edit Draw
Update selected draw, similar dialog as with entering new.

Delete Round

5. Delete Round
Deletes selected round, the automatic renumbering of all draws affected happen automatically.

Top of the list

6. Top of the list
Go to Top of list

End of the list

7. End of the list
Go to Bottom of list