The purpose of this software is to help you pick the best numbers to play.
And this software accomplishes that in a unique, easy-to-use manner.
All picking happens in the same dialog form.
Pick panel
By clicking on the number in the main panel you pick that number. If you click on the already picked number you unpick it. Picked number are visibly marked in this panel.
By clicking on the number in tha picked numbers area you unpick it. That number is removed from this area and it's status updated in the Pick panel accordingly.
Clicking this button opens the menu for switching between different orders of buttons keeps the collection of already picked numbers. It is an intuitive and the fastest way for selecting the numbers by consulting AI and statistics with no special effort. The available orders are explained in more detail here.
How many numbers were picked out of how many were required. The same form is also used for wheeling and full systems so the count of numbers to pick may be greater than the actual drawn numbers for the particular lotto game.
When you pick enough numbers the OK button will be enabled. If you have picked less numbers than the drawn numbers for the particular lotto game then clicking you will be taken to the Smart Combination Completion dialog.