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About me

In the summer of 1969, the four mop-topped singers from Liverpool were breaking up. The war in Vietnam was escalating. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. And the Department of Defense built a computer network called ARPANET to link its defense installations with several major universities throughout the US. And I was born.

Early Life

I received elementary education in schools in Višegrad (Bosnia), Pirot (Serbia) and Lukavac (Bosnia). Secondary education (age 10-14) attained at "School of Electromechanics" in Tuzla. I distinguished with my various talents there. I even took part in many mathematics and physics competition. I even won some prizes on a country level (former Yugoslavia). I have started my university studies in electrical engineering in Tuzla, Bosnia. Because of war I moved to Serbia to continue and finish my studies on "Faculty of Electronics" in Niš, Serbia. I finally graduated there with an average grade 7.83 and 10.0 on final exam. My final exam subject included a software for design of compound grounding devices in two-layered soil. The software had a nice graphical results representation too. I could do better with my final grades if I choose to put more effort in making them better. What I am best remembered for in my studying is the ease of me finishing it.

Toni Stojev profile image

Work Experience

My first employment after graduation was in big construction company "Progres Pirot" - in Niš, Serbia. Job position software developer and electrical installation designer. I was also developing software for statistics and other electrical distribution system topics. Since then I have worked for and with a lot of small private companies in Serbia and Bosnia. Also, I do work as a freelancer, contract jobs that I design, develop, and put in place completely alone. Short list of companies in which they probably knows about me,

Jobs that I have managed alone,


Performing all those jobs I developed particular skills, listed below,